The only real thing about Town Hall is the walls that are holding it together. Being completly underground the walls and ceiling is what is keeping the ground from caving in on us as we travel to and from the town hall station. Walls in a sense are simple, easy and not detailed at all, but however basic walls are they are essential to keeping a building upright in allowing people into or out of buildings. The pathways people everyday are regular and consistent. On public transport most chose the same carriage, same seat if they are able, get off and chose the easiest route for them to exit. What happens when that pathway is gone and you are only left with a chose pathway to exit? What happens when you reach the top only to find you are blocked from actually leaving the station? What happens when you retrace your steps only to find that you are no longer able to go back the way you came?
I understand that as I have included very little in my crysis model as my concept did not give me the right to not model everything in town hall. I have modelled all parts in solidworks and have included the files for them as well. I also would like to note that in my assembly for the model in solidworks I only included the stairs so that I would be able to make sure that they fit in properly. Everything else is included in seperate parts files.
Here is the link to my Solidworks, CGF, Max and all other types of models or goodies that I needed for this assignment. My apologies Vinh that it is on Filefront as I know that MediaFire is your preference but as I was trying to upload it that particular site it was telling me that there were failures. But I did try and download from filefront and it appeared to work.
With this video I wanted to explore the differences and ease of use when using the sketchup to crysis and the solidworks to crysis workflows when you have simple, complex, linear and curvilinear shapes. With this research originally I wanted to prove that Solidworks to Crysis was easier and a better program to use in order to model for Crysis, however in my opinion my research took me another direction in that I found sketchup was not only easier to do but that it was the better program to do it in as it had less details that could go wrong, or if there was something that went wrong it was an easy fix and not something inexplicable that would pop up again later on.
This is what I wish to accomplish with my installation. Wherein you are able to enter a space/ stairwell/ level/ escalator, but after you pass through you are no longer able to exit to turn around and go another way.
The lecture from Steven Bull from ARUP was insightful in the sense that it developed ideas about how interactive research is progressing in the real world. Both Dubai and China have started their own Eco cities in which they have researched transportation and movement through-out the whole city. This seems to completely mirror the fact of how in our current project we are refelecting on the movement through town hall station.